Thursday, March 31, 2011

Love at Last Sight

A little over a month a go, Lyryn wrote a blog post about a book that she was reading. That book was Love at Last Sight by Kerry and Chris Shook. LALS (love at last sight) is a one month relationship plan that will improve your most important bonds.

 The goal of the LALS is to deepen your most meaningful relationships, get them so deep that when your eyes met for the last time on earth, your relationship will be closer and deeper than ever before.

On day one, I was asked (err...not me but anyone who read the book) to pick three people in my life who I wanted to focus on. Focus on three people in my life that I wanted to have a better more deep relationship.

 I chose my BFF Karen (for the record: we are fine! But as BFF's we can always grow deeper)

Then my mom. I'm not getting into it here but my mom and I aren't the closet. We have long periods where we get along great and then bam we don't. I've never had that "being BFF's with my mom." Yes I love her but we have stuff to work on. so much for not getting into it here! moving on.

I then chose my brother Ryan. My brother is 5 years older than me (for the record: we have the same set of parents...I get asked that a lot. "is he your step/half brother?" Since we are 5 years apart, we never got along when we were younger. He went to uni in West Virginia and was gone for 4.5 years. During the summers we were okay. When he was 22 he moved out with the gf. It was hard to deepen our bro/sis relationship. It still is. It has gotten so much better. We both realized that family is everything, and one day we won't have our parents and it'll just be us.

It's amazing what a month can do. In the past month I've felt my relationships grow deeper. I've learned to give 100% of my attention to each of my three key relationships.So when they are talking with me, I turn and look them in the eye and really listen.  I've learned to let them know that I value and love them. I'm better at saying I love you, thank you, how are you?

There is nothing more lovely than knowing that I'm on my way to having such a deep realtionship with these awesome three people. I say "on my way" because it's something I need to work on everyday.
This book has changed my life. It hasn't just helped my three key relationships but the relationships with people I don't see everyday. It has chanllenged me to view the world and others in it differently and I love that!

If you have a realtionship that is iffy, go buy this book! Seriously it is not a waste. It will change your life, I promise!


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