Sunday, October 21, 2012

1st half marathon!

I was sitting in church this morning when I leaned over to the best friend and said "this time last week, I was crossing the finish line of the Toronto Scotiabank half-marathon."

Yup. I did it.  In 2:23. Not bad for my first time. 

I had so much fun but I'll be honest, from 12km-19km I was in so much pain. Yes, I walked A TON because of all the cramps and being tight but made myself run the last 2k...crying the last 500 meters thinking how far I've come in the past year. This time last year? I did a 5k in 36 minutes and hated every single minute of it. A year a go I was 30 pounds heavier. Thanks to running, it's gone. 

Already signed up for the Peterborough half in February! 

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