Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012 review

2012 will hands down go down in the books as the best year yet. It was busy, exciting, happy and scary year.

In January, I wanted to become more grateful and started Grateful Monday's. My little blog turned 1  too!

In March, I turned 20, and cried on my birthday. I was not ready to leave the teen years behind. But? Now that I'm almost 21? I've realized the 20's are awesome! We showered my (now) SIL with love during her bridal shower for the Hannon side of the family. 

In April, I reached my goal weight, I lost more during the summer but now I'm back at that goal weight.  I also ran my 1st 10k during this month. And I finished my 1st year of university! 

In May, my brother got married! I've never felt more beautiful. Added another 10k to my races I've run.

In June, Karen ran her 1st 5k.  During June, we found out that my mom had breast cancer.  I lost my concert virginity too! 

In July, I started dating Alex. I also spent a week at camp. 

In August, my parents celebrated 30 years of marriage. I expressed my hatred at cancer.  I also ran a 15k race in 1:24. 

In September, I signed up for a half-marathon. School started too. 

In October, I ran my 1st half-marathon in 2:23. I loved it! My mom finished Chemo. 

In November, I saw So You Think You Can Dance 2012 tour with karen. Radiation for my mom started. 

In December, I signed up for another half-marathon, cried over Sandy Hook. I enjoyed my time off from school. 

I'm ready for 2012 to be gone and see what 2013 brings! 

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