Monday, January 13, 2014

Not giving up on my dreams

Well, that 31 days off from school flew by. I sure enjoyed it, who wouldn't! Went to the gym lots, built muscle and spent much needed quality time with Alex. 

But today school starts back up and I'm scared. And nervous. Nervous about handling the courses, bringing my best to my placement in the elementary classroom and leaving enough time to workout and be a girlfriend. Scared that I won't pass all my courses and have a repeat of the fall semester. 

Thinking like this and worrying won't help. It's not getting my anywhere but allowing that negativity to win.

So, instead of thinking poorly, I'm thinking happy and positive thoughts. I can get through university. I can still have time to workout, even if I have to wake up early to do so. I can be an awesome girlfriend.

Being a teacher is my dream. Has been since I was 8. When I daydream about having those 25 eight years olds in my care everyday, helping then makes me tear up. When I remember that feeling-I can't give up on my dream.  

I have tons of people in my corner who are supporting and rooting for me. With that awesome and warm feeling of family and friends behind me, I will be successful at this semester and kick it's butt!

I know it. 


grace and gratitude said...

"if you can dream it, you can do it".
good luck this semester, sarah!!!


grace and gratitude said...
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