Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Good-bye trashy music

Today marks the first day of Lent. I'm actually surprised I knew this because every year without fail I forget when Lent starts.

I'm not a catholic so my church doesn't make a big deal about Lent at.all. 

And since I forget when it starts, I forget to cut something out of my life for 40 days.

The only way I know Lent has started is when friends on facebook post something along the lines of

"no meat around here-for 40 days"


"see ya later facebook, see ya in 40 days. email me at if you need something"

And then I remember.

And since Lent had started, I wouldn't give up something. It's for 40 days not 35.

And just last week I went to my good friend google, and he told me that the first day of Lent was Wednesday (today.)

I knew that I really wanted to give up something in hopes of spending more time with God.

I knew I had to make a change in my walk with God. I'll be honest and say that I would do days without reading my devo's or even praying. It wasn't working and I knew Lent would be great time to make a big change.

Problem was? I had no clue what to give up.

Coffee? No. Not when Lent goes on during the last weeks of school which means all-nighters and stress. No, can't give up coffee.

Sweets? I don't really eat that many sweets so I thought this was wouldn't have such an impact.

Facebook? Maybe. But then I remembered that facebook is how myself and the other bridesmaids plan showers and parties for the wedding, I can't cut off facebook.

So, I thought and prayed about this for a while. Read: last week. 

One of the things that came to mind was only listening to Christian music not to trashy music. You know, the top 20's.

I tried saying no to this one because listening to the top 20's while running helps me! I can't run faster or make it up that hill while listening to a slow song. Nope I can't.

With this being said, I am allowing myself to listen to country music. Not 100% the same but it's something.

Day 1 is going well. My radio in my room is switched from my favourite top 20 station to a country one and while I type 94.5 Faith FM is playing.

Let's see how I do on my 5k this sunday while listening to worship music. Hopefully hearing god is good 38949x helps me run another 28 minute 5k :/

What are you giving up? If you are.



Unknown said...

That is a good idea! I like that!

Meg said...

I haven't seen this one before, neat idea! Good luck!