Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I feel that since this is my 3rd, or 4th time in a row sharing my IG pictures with y'all that this might be a nice routine for me.

1) Bought some new running GU, love the chocolate raspberry. It's like dessert while running.
2) Grandpa is in isolation due to the Clostridium Difficile virus. Also known at C-diff.
3) Apparently people still don't know how to park/drive in the snow

4) Melt snow, Melt! 4 weeks till spring aka my birthday! 
5) Made nutella coffee saturday for breaky and yes, it exploded in the mircowave
6) Alex and I celebrated 7 amazing months with dinner at Jack Astors and went back to menchies were we had out second date. T-minus 12.5 days till he's back from Vancouver! 

1 comment:

Savanah said...

i LOVE menchies!! They closed the one by us though and I was so upset about it!! Hope your grandpa is doing better! C-diff is some mean stuff!