Wednesday, November 6, 2013


To quote every other blogger today, my brain is full and I can't write anything here's fluff.

School is meh. It's boring, learning common sense is draining and I really do not like going. I have 3 weeks left and I can't wait. I need a change from some of my prof's. 
Do you ever feel like you are always on the go? Of course you do. I'm cutting back on my hours at work because with school, working out and work  and every little thing in between. I haven't been mentally healthy the past few weeks. 

I'm trying to find time each day to do something that brings me joy. Like reading or watching my favourite show. I need "me" time which is healthy and good!

I joined the YMCA two weeks a go and love it. So so so much. Mostly I'm doing body pump classes and a few barre classes (couldn't walk for 2 days, that's how good it was) I even woke up at 5:35am to get on time to the 6:30am body pump class. 


Alex is moving again. But so much closer! Come december 1st we will live in the same city! No more long distance relationship for us. yay. 

Yesterday my next half marathon clinic started. I misses it because I literally could not see out of my eye (something was in there)  but I can't wait to see new faces and all my friends that I haven't seen in 3 weeks! 

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