Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Whose done with winter and ready for spring? (1st day of spring=my birthday this year) I sure am. Right now, it is crazy snowing. Hasn't stopped since I woke up and the shovelling job I did do, is gone. I just want some sunshine in my life. 

 Lately I've been feeling down about not running. Feeling like I lost my identity as an athlete, going from training to half marathons and now just a gym rat made me feel like I wasn't that active. (Totally wrong.) So yesterday as I packing up my bodypump gear and about to change, I decided to run around the track. Just 1km. See how I felt. And you know, I enjoyed running that kimometer. As I was running around that little track I made a goal that instead of sitting on my step waiting for bodypump class to start I will run around the track a few times. Keep up my endurance and start building my leg muscles again. 

The falling snow is officially coming down harder so guess I should shovel again.  

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