Happy new year everyone! Wishing everyone a happy, safe and eventful 2013.
I've realized lately that I like to have goals. If it's visiting the grandparents more or eating out less, I like goals.
As we went 2013 I'm ready for more goals. After much thought I've come up with two things I want to achieve in 2013.
#1) Lose 10 pounds by February 28th. I lost 30 pounds last year and have put on about 7 from the end of the summer. Not to bad in the long run. But I want to be back at my weight I was back in the summer because? I was so happy with how clothes looked on me. And? I had finally had less fat in my mid-section. I'm pretty sure from being in school full-time and having a boyfriend, my exercising and eating habits changed a bit.
My plan of action: use MyFitnessPal to track food intake. Continue to train for the half-marathon that I'm running Feb.24th 2013. Pumping the iron and focusing on working my abs 4x a week.
#2) Blog more. Not just more, but write posts with actual meat. Link up's are fun and I love doing them but most of the times I do it because someone else tells me what to write and I like the traffic it brings here.
Plan of action: Blogging at least 2x a week and posting my URL on twitter so my followers can come directly here and read, aka traffic.
I'm curious, what are your goals for 2013?